Empowering Communities, Restoring Trust, Building a Better Future
Welcome to Liberate Freedom PAC
Advancing Integrity, Opportunity, and Community Empowerment.
At Liberate Freedom PAC, we are committed to fostering meaningful change through thoughtful, community-driven initiatives. Our efforts are centered on education reform, substance abuse education, economic opportunities for small businesses, media accountability, criminal justice reform, healthcare improvements, and political transparency. We believe that through collective action and principled leadership, we can cultivate a society where freedom, fairness, and opportunity are accessible to all.
Join us as we work toward a more free and just future.

our PAC
About Us
At Liberate Freedom PAC, we contribute resources to restoring integrity, accountability, and fairness in our political and social environments. We believe real change begins at reforming and advancing the curriculum of our public education system. Along with other policy priorities, Liberate Freedom strives for a more prosperous, and safe future for Virginians.
Join us in creating a future built on honesty, integrity, and hope.